
We are so glad you are joining us for these daily prayer posts. Over the next few weeks we are going to listen to the prayers we find in the Bible, and some of God’s most faithful saints and servants. Through their prayers, we will learn better how to pray and connect with our heavenly Father.

Each devotion will take less than ten minutes of your time.

  1. We will look at an insight from those who know something important about prayer.
  2. We will listen to the prayers of people in the Bible—people just like us. And to people who gained a deep measure of spiritual intimacy with God because they prayed.
  3. We will reflect, asking the same four questions each day that invites us to look and listen with intent.
  4. And we will pray, for it is in praying that we learn to pray. And it is in praying that the Spirit changes our hearts.

We want to encourage you to grab a journal or a notebook – something to write on as you walk through each prayer guide. Yes, it will add a few minutes to the time it takes to do the devotion, and it will also deepen your experience and shape your walk with God for years to come. This journal or notebook will be a keepsake to remind you of God’s faithfulness during this challenging season for all of us.


“Each of us, to some degree, fools our friends and family about who we really are. But it’s impossible to do that with God. He knows each of us, deeply and specifically. He knows our thoughts before we think them, our actions before we commit them, whether we are lying down or sitting or walking around. He knows who we are and what we are about. We cannot escape Him, not even if we want to. When I grow weary of trying to be faithful to Him and want a break, it doesn’t come as a surprise to God.” 

– Francis Chan, Crazy Love.


Sometimes we hear exhortations, teachings or prayers from people where their lives cause us to question their credibility. Not so with the Apostle Paul. He had true street cred with whatever came from  his mouth or flowed from his pen. Having been ridiculed, beaten and stoned… imprisoned, flogged and starved… (2 Cor. 11-12) – when Paul talks about endurance, people’s ears perk up. His message is legit – because his life proved his words to be true. And when he prays for endurance not just for himself, but for his friends, there is power in his words. He prays:

Romans 15:5-6

 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.



1. Having read the Word, sit silently for a minute and give God’s Word a moment to settle within you.

2. Re-read the verses slowly and write down some thoughts that resonate with you.

3. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you reflect on how Paul’s prayer for you to “live in such harmony with one another” affects your prayers. (For example: you might write down, “Where might I need to ask for endurance for loving and neighboring those around me?“) The Spirit can help you understand what God is saying to you in these moments.

4. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in encouraging others and asking for encouragement when you need it.


Father, thank you for knowing me, my needs and my thoughts even before I think them. Thank you for loving me, even when I feel weak. I praise you for your scripture and for being the God of endurance and encouragement! I praise you for giving me opportunities to bear with and build up my neighbors who need to know you during this scary time. I praise you for helping me strive to live in harmony with others. You know when I grow weary and fearful; please help me to endure and to grow strong and to praise you and encourage those around. Please encourage others through me, oh Lord. Remind me through my prayers and through my studies of your word that you are the God of hope. Reveal to me those who are growing weary and who need the hope of your son, Jesus Chris. Grant me the wisdom and strength, dear Father, to encourage and show love in accord with Christ and the Holy Spirit. Help me welcome others as Christ has welcomed me for your glory. Amen.


These devotionals are adapted from various sources, including The Holy Bible,  The Book of Common Prayer, Fenelon: The Seeking Heart, Fellowship Bible Church Nashville, Handbook to Prayer by Kenneth Boa and others.