21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 20 – “Trespassing”

2. This little snippet of the “Lord’s Prayer” (now getting traction as more appropriately the “Apostle’s Prayer”) gives us a condensed version of what a heart should be like as it prays to God. Jesus tells us who God is, “our Father in Heaven”, and for us to pray for God’s will, His provision, and His guidance. And in verse 12 we get this issue about forgiveness and sin.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 19, Friday – “Chariots of Fire”

The prophet Elisha’s servant was afraid, and for good reason. The king of Syria had sent a great army to capture his master! The king of Syria had learned that Elisha had been revealing all of his secret battle plans to the king of Israel, and he was determined to put a stop to it. Elisha’s servant sees the army and his heart fills with fear, “What shall we do?” However, Elisha’s heart is full of faith.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 18, Thursday – “Your Will Be Done”

Some of our recent devotional times have focused on the reign of Christ over our priorities. Today, we focus on the rule of Christ in our priorities. Author Clarence Macartney says that praying “your will be done” is basically saying “Lord, whatever you want, wherever you want it, and whenever you want it, that’s what I want.” I don’t know about you, but saying these words is a struggle for me… Am I really open to what this means in my life? Whatever, wherever, whenever!?

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 17, Wednesday – “Uprooting The Crowded Thorns”

Jesus uses the familiar picture of soil and seed to illustrate how different heart conditions (different conditions of soil) respond to hearing the truth of the Kingdom of God (the seed being sown).
What is sometimes overlooked in this parable is that, if we are willing to extend Jesus’ analogy of soil and seeds a bit further, unsuitable soil conditions can be worked over and turned into suitable soil.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 8, Monday: “With All Your Heart”

2. All your heart. That’s a tall order, isn’t it? Not just the Sunday part, the “spiritual part”, or the parts where we want peace. Trust is what we give the chair—we plop down without worrying it will collapse; the dollar we hand the cashier—we believe it is legit for payment; and God—for the really important things like our very soul and our eternal destination.

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