21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Share Your Experience

We want to hear from YOU. What did God show you during our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting?

Share with us what God said to you – either through Scripture, through His Holy Spirit, through prayer, through journaling – during this 21 Days season by commenting on this post.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, Day 21: Easter Sunday – “He Is Risen!”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most astounding, the most monumental, the most consequential event in all of human history. There is not single event in the history of the world that has as much significance as the resurrection. It is the foundation of the gospel. It is the center point of our faith. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our faith – indeed our very existence – would be pointless.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 20, Saturday: “Make It As Secure As You Can”

Today is Saturday. Matthew is the only gospel that records a narrative on the Saturday between Jesus’ death on Friday and his resurrection on Sunday. This part of the story is one of the most important proofs of the historicity of Christ’s resurrection. Because the fearful Pharisees and the power-hungry Romans collaborated to secure the tomb by sealing the 2-ton stone and setting a Roman guard to keep watch, there is no natural explanation for the tomb being empty on Sunday.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 19, Good Friday: “Father, Forgive Them”

We are no different than the soldiers who nailed Jesus to the cross – for it was our sin that put Him there, and it is for our sin that He died. Take a moment to reflect on your own sin that was nailed to the cross when Jesus suffered on our behalf.

Spend some time confessing your sin to God the Father, and thanking Him for the forgiveness all of your sin – past, present and future – that was bought with the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 15, Monday: “Incline Your Ear, O God”

Supplication means “a humble request for help or mercy from someone in authority.” In Psalm 86, the psalmist David begins with a request for God to hear his prayer and respond by providing help in his time of trouble. “Poor and needy” is a common description in the Psalms of those who require God’s help, and the psalmist does not hesitate to express his neediness and desperate dependence on God.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 14, Sunday: “I Will Bless the Lord At All Times”

This radiant psalm has all the indicators of gladness and gratitude for a miraculous escape. The title reminds us that the circumstances are those of 1 Samuel 21:10 and following (fleeing from Saul, of course), which had threatened to cost the psalmist David his life. Even in this dire situation, the psalmist declares “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth!”

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 3, Wednesday: “The Glorious Splendor of Your Kingdom”

The word “kingdom” is used four times in this section of Psalm 145, emphasizing God’s rightful place on His throne, ruling over all creation. We can know that no matter what difficulties arise in this broken world, God is always on His throne. We worship Him and adore Him as King of all creation. And yet, He is also faithful and kind, especially to those “who are falling” or are “bowed down.”

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