Join us and help make a difference as we share in what God is doing locally, nationally, and around the world.
Ascent Global Christmas
Learn more about this years Ascent Global Christmas, and how we are partnering with ministries around the globe this year.
Ascent Global Strategy
Strategic Partnerships
A significant part of our global strategy is our efforts to work with strategic global partnerships and like-minded missionaries that help Ascent accomplish the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We’ve developed a definition of “Strategic Partnership” that guides these important relationships:
Strategic Partnership: A mutually beneficial relationship with a shared vision, working together toward common goals, based on honest communication and accountability, with the freedom to strategize in your own ministry context.
Global Priorities
Our global priorities are based on the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and Jesus’ words in Acts 1:8. We seek to accomplish these priorities by coming alongside strategic global partnerships and select missionaries that facilitate church planting, leader development and community transformation – primarily through the local church – in some of the most spiritually needy places in the world. We are committed to what we call “The 4 C’s” to make decisions regarding allocation of resources and people.
CHURCH EMPOWERMENT: We believe the Church is the greatest force for redemption on the planet and therefore the vehicle through which God most effectively works to bring TRUTH and HOPE to a lost and hurting world. In short, the local church worldwide is critical to multiplying the Gospel to bring about transformation not only in individuals, but also in any culture. We seek to build solid partnerships with trusted and faithful leaders who work primarily through the local church around the world.
COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION: Multiplying the Gospel means multiplying the transformation of lives and communities. Churches will grow and expand their impact when a church partnership strategy integrates tangible, sustainable solutions to a community’s greatest problems. Through Community Transformation, we model and assist the local church with easily facilitated trainings in the local community to help people take ownership of their community’s future and recognize the resources God has entrusted to them.
CHILDREN AT RISK: Believing that children are the hope for the future, we seek to be a catalyst for change to improve the quality of life for children – through the power of the Gospel to transform lives – by partnering with churches and organizations in the areas of biblical education, strategic research, public policy analysis, collaboration and advocacy.
CRISIS RESPONSE:The thoughts and prayers of our church family go out to the people of any disaster – natural or otherwise – who are affected physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially by the disaster… When something happens, our first response is to wonder what we should do. Past experiences have helped us develop a proper response as we seek to minister to those impacted. In the initial stages of response, we PRAY, WAIT and EVALUATE. As the situation becomes clearer, we IDENTIFY the right partnership. Then, we ACT and GIVE, extending the hands and feet of Christ in tangible ways. Read More.
For more information about these global partnerships or other opportunities to get involved, click HERE or contact Jay Hartwell.