Daily Devotionals: Ascent’s Mission – Loving God, Loving People and Impacting Our World. Each day’s devotional will guide us through a scriptural thought based on the mission God has called us to follow.
We spent last week focusing on the first part of our mission, Loving God. We turn this week to the second part of our mission: Loving People.
Engage the Word: Loving People
Read Mark 12:28-31
28 And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Connect the Heart
This question from a scribe (a Jewish religious leader) follows a series of questions that the religious authorities asked Jesus in an attempt to trick or trap him. However, this is actually a friendly conversation with good intentions – something pretty uncommon, considering the authorities wanted to trap and eventually kill Jesus.
His response shows what is of fundamental importance and central everything else: loving God and loving people – key pieces of the mission statement of Ascent Church.
A question each of us need to ask: What does it really look like to “love” our neighbor as ourself? What about someone who is different than you? What about someone who believes something different than you? What about someone who lives a lifestyle that goes against what you believe to be right, good, or healthy – or biblical?
May we follow Jesus and allow his life to redefine ours in a way that truly displays His love to others. And in doing so – we will no doubt have a major impact on the world around us.
Reflect on the Truth
- What are some ways that your life reflects your love for other people? Are there any areas of your life that need some attention in order to better love others?
- Think about someone you know, work with or go to school with that lives by values different than yours, or makes choices that you disagree with. Take a moment to pray for this person, and ask the Lord to give you an opportunity to show them the love of Christ.
Remain prayerful, keeping your eyes and ears open for opportunities God might bring your way.
Depend on the Spirit
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see the deeper longings, desires or motives in your heart that these thoughts are pointing to. (for example: you may write down, “I love you God, but loving others I disagree with is so difficult. Please help me. ”) The Lord can help us discern the path forward – through His Word, His Spirit, His people.
For Prayer
As you conclude your devotional time, pray for our Elder Team, Staff Team and Deacon Team. You can pray through a list of all of their names found on our website under “Leadership Team.”
Please read the first blog post entitled “Why Fast?” This explains what fasting is and why we follow Jesus in this spiritual discipline as, together, we seek the heart of God.
Some parts of our 21 Days devotionals are adapted using various resources on scripture and prayer like The Bible Exposition Commentary, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, The New Bible Commentary, Logos Bible Software and other resources.
This is so convicting and a great reminder for me. Thank you for these devotionals, Brian! They have been a real blessing to me as we lead up to Resurrection Day!
So glad you’ve been encouraged by our 21 Days devotionals, Deanna! It’s so good for our church family to take this journey together leading up to our Easter celebration!