“I have come to the conclusion that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, vicious, heartless hoaxes ever foisted on the minds of human beings — or it is the most remarkable fact of history.”Josh McDowell Easter Sunday – today, we...
“Of all the activities in which the Christian engages, and which are part of the Christian life, there is surely none which causes so much perplexity, and raises so many problems, as the activity which we call prayer.”Martin Lloyd-Jones Tomorrow – Easter Sunday...
“He that prays and does not faint will come to recognize that to talk with God is more than to have all prayers granted – that is the end of all prayer.”George McDonald, Creation, p. 128. Prayer in the Life of Jesus We want to encourage you to grab a journal or a...
“If we are tempted to minimize the recoil on the part of Christ in this, we actually rob ourselves of the opportunity to legitimize our own experiences of being overwhelmed. Our own experiences of being engulfed. Our own experiences of being greatly and deeply...
“The purest form of love is given with no expectation of return. Measured by this standard, earnest prayer for others is a magnificent act of love.”David Hubbard, The Problem With Prayer Is… , p. 14. Prayer in the Life of Jesus We want to encourage you to grab a...
“Our Lord in His teaching regarding prayer never once referred to unanswered prayer; He said God always answers prayer. If our prayers are in the name of Jesus, that is, in accordance with His nature, the answers will not be in accordance with our nature, but with...
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